Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happiness is a Choice...

Historic week passing... brighter days ahead!

As my gaze meets the sky, thoughts of limitless living cross my mind. A time in my life where I'm completely happy just "being." Many around me seem to be experiencing days, nights, weeks, months - even years of suffering. As I empathize with a few up close and many from a distance, I wonder why God has placed me in the center of all this heartache. Though, I am not questioning God, my human-like nature wonders how I've arrived here.

So I begin to ponder... Brain digging deeper. Heart pounding lightly. I'm listening closely. And though the message isn't yet clear, I've arrived at the focal point. I've arrived at a place of understanding. You see, in life I believe we have choices... Some choose to live in happiness, some choose to live in peace. Others choose to live in sadness and many choose to live in anger. I'm no judge, but all of a sudden I get why I'm in the middle. Not quite sure why you're surrounding me. But the choice I made to BE HAPPY has become my reality.

No life isn't exactly how I envisioned it at the age of 10. But somehow, right now, I am well. Oh now I get it... God has placed the yous' around me, in an effort to show how grateful I should be. Sometimes my pride interferes with my grace and glory isn't given to HE who deserves. Well, as of today, I will work harder to acknowledge my blessings and to share those blessings with others.

I would like you to know, happiness is a choice! Given anything you want in this world, without innate appreciation, acceptance and joy, you'll arrive at this very place. One of the guiding truths of life - We are all the causes of our own effects. Happiness is a choice! Be sure to choose wisely...

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