Thursday, September 4, 2008

Complications with Life Itself

As I shut my eyes, my face slowly touched the pillow. In the matter of seconds, I began to feel other parts of my body shutting down… Breathing is no longer second nature. I realize my breath has been compromised. Clogged pipes are not allowing breaths of fresh air to flow freely. On a quest for fresh air, I take shorter breaths and adjust my bodily position. To no avail, complications persist. I pray, I panic, I sob, on a quest for a good nights’ rest.

A wonderful day unfolded into an amazing evening and now the amazing evening transpires into a late night… a night where my health is in question. My mind races to figure out what can be done to shake this cough. All in the name of rest! Yes, I want to live a healthy life. BUT what’s health without rest I ask?

Well to my dismay, “Sleep is the cousin of death.” Tonight this rang so true. Though I don’t feel as if God wants this life to come to an end, my congested chest has made every second a struggle. Myyyy, how I took breathing fore granted. The simplest form of being has become the most challenging fight for survival. As I inhale, I pray for the day, the second, the moment when my chest opens and the breath of life enters in its purest form.

Save me! I would love to breathe again….


Belles & Bulls said...

Why did you stop writing?

chel13 said...

MISSY!!!! Would you BLOG about Amsterdam already!!! LOL

Emily said...

I agree with Chel .. Amsterdam!! Amsterdam!!!