Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Remember those thoughts of last week? Remember those thoughts becoming things??? Well, the thought of today, as of last night, was a thought of a good day. Again, "thoughts become things." Today has proven itself already. A good day has begun!

As I recline in the seat I claim for the next 8.5 hours, I get cozy with the idea of being here for the better part of the day. While that literally confines me to a box, a box the size of a cubicle, my energy pushes past my reality. I think of today as a day of exploration. A day to see what else is out there for me. I begin with thoughts of finishing some writing assignments from Spring semester's "Writing for Magazines" class. I then float to my next great read. And then i resort to providing for others what I love for self...

Have U thought about viewing, analyzing, browsing, reading my words on paper? If it's a thought and you and I know thoughts become things, hmmmm.... this may be reality. Today is a beautiful day. Good vibes, good energy, good suiting, good karma, good food, good sunshine, good weather, good commute, good friends. Something GREAT will become of the all the good combined. Ok ok, I'm babbling. Just throwing words in this given frame. I'm done (for now), but I shall return...

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