Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Slow Down & Enjoy It - The Present!

At times we strive for so much, expect so much, do so much, in return for so much.  In the moments of moving and cultivating the life we envision, sometimes the pace of our motions cause us to miss some very significant happenings in the now...

We ask for things, but if life is passing us by at a speed beyond our pace, how could one notice or enjoy what we have asked for??? In this present time, I realized I have a lot of what I've asked for.  Yet, I somehow find a thing, a situation, a circumstance to draw complaints.

I am here.  I am now.  I am nothing beyond my present, though the past has played its part and the future is trying to find a way to make its mark.  I am here. I am now.  I am present.

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