Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Baby Steps

The year is young, yet the transition is already in play. 08' has come! Month 2 already and as I raise my head to see what life, MY LIFE is like, I notice significant progress. Some1 whispered, "Baby steps." That's the best approach to getting started! With big dreams and spectacular ideas... things extending beyond arms' reach, the idea of taking a baby step towards it all quiets the fright. All things believable are attainable and the first step is your start to a new beginning.
So the telescopic lens I've used in the past, I've traded it in for a piece of equipment that zooms out on the big picture, captures the sight and focuses on the day to day journey to reach my peak. This brings joy to the present and optimism to the future.
I thank U all that have walked with me on my journey of life. I live, learn, love and of course laugh! Life's good...

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