Thursday, December 13, 2007


A date! OMG all of a sudden I have 2. What should i do??? Should I opt to be romanced in a foreign language or should I show face and make a run for it. Funny... the moment I locked eyes with the berry addict, I knew that it was him and I that nite. My other plans were cancelled long b4 HE decided my nite would end with him. They say U can sometimes miss a blessing, a gift, a good thing when U go for ideal packaging. Well well well... let me tell U! I am happy my inner woman fights a lot harder for the things that spark her interest.

It all started from the inclusion of a mass email. Yes... months after we'd met. How things come right on time and are sooo meant to be! Ok... well back to the date. We go & take care of business (Oh no... not that kind of business!), then head to dinner. Dinner with the boys! That was entertaining and tasty. From dinner we proceed to a French restaurant for dessert. The crepes were delish!!! The wine was ok... and from there the party continued. A nite of laughter, smiles and good times. By 12 we were finishing up with glass 3 and heading to "the spot." My 2nd home... Lotus. Needless to say, the nite was a blur by 1. Yes 1am! Uhhh... what a mess I am. One things for sure, I know how to have a good time!!!

Oh... And guess what? I think I've been bit by the "LOVE BUG." Shhhhh don't tell anyone! I'm trying to hold my composure people!!

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